
National Day of Unplugging

Tired of looking at your screens, but not sure how to get away from them? We’ve got you covered. Here are our favorite ways to take a break (without unrealistically detoxing) from the soft lights of our phones, laptops, and TVs.

Take the TV Out of Your Bedroom

We get it that watching your favorite episode of Schitt’s Creek under your cozy blanket can help lull you to sleep. But did you know that watching TV to help fall asleep can cause a decrease in your melatonin production and can overstimulate your brain leading to memory issues, mood changes, higher blood pressure, and concentration difficulties? Swap out the warm glow of your TV for the warm glow of something a little healthier. 

MyBaby SlumberScents Aroma Diffuser

With 6 LED color options, a diffuser, and soothing humidity, it’s a great swap for the TV.

SoundSpa Slumber Scents

With 6 soothing sounds inspired by nature, an essential oil diffuser, 6 comforting LED colored lights, and a programmable alarm, you’ll catch up on your zzz’s in no time.

Read More

You loved reading as a kid but have lost touch with your favorite genres and authors. But, somehow, you always manage to find time to scroll through social media for hours.

 Make a list of the books on your bookshelf and decide which you want to tackle first. The next time you take out your phone to check social media, ask yourself if you’re just looking for entertainment and read a few pages of a book on your list instead. It’s also helpful to keep books in easy-to-reach places, like your nightstand, your backpack, or next to your TV to remind you to read instead of hitting the screen.

Turn Off Notifications

This one is easy. Go to your phone settings, click notifications, and after work hours, turn off your email alerts. Take it a step further and delete your email and work-related apps from your phone on the weekend and redownload on Monday morning. Do the same for your social media apps if you feel like you’re spending too much time on them as well.


How television affects sleep — and what we can do to sleep better, Parenting Science; GWEN DEWAR, PH.D: https://parentingscience.com/television-affects-sleep/#:~:text=The%20blue%20light%20emitted%20by,for%20you%20to%20fall%20asleep.

Here’s What Happens When You Don’t Get Enough Sleep (And How Much You Really Need a Night), Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/happens-body-dont-get-enough-sleep/

Medical Disclaimer: This content is provided for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.